Manager’s Message
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
Greetings to all !
I feel honored as you have chosen St. Thomas Public School to assist you in the formal education of your child.
The Eco friendly campus at St. Thomas Public School provides a better strategy for the students in the formative years. Each of our students is a blessing from God entrusted to us to be moulded into a valued personality. This school provides a platform to the students to explore their hidden individual as well as group talents making learning an enriching experience that lasts forever.
We strive to provide a rigorous academic environment in a positive setting where each student can discover their own unique gifts and develop them to their potential.
When a child is planted in the school ambience, Parents need to understand that every child takes its own time to bloom. Every child is wrapped with the precious gift within and they unwrap themselves at various times. As Parents and Educators, we need to wait with Joy and Optimism that our children will bloom someday having deep roots in faith and morals so that they mould themselves as good humans and honest citizens.
God has blessed us in so many ways and all of us experience miracles in some form or the other. We thank almighty Lord for his blessings and we surrender our self to him for his glory.
I am confident that this school is the best place for your child. We welcome your active interest and involvement in the progress and activities of your child. We look forward to your continuous support.
Thank you and stay blessed.
Mrs. Bestimol Sino Mathew
Manager, St. Thomas Public School Nagpur